Welcome to the FarSideRail

Hi… …and thanks for visiting my website, it’s much appreciated & I hope you enjoy it.

A quick introduction – I’m a full-time “punter” who makes his day-to-day, month-to-month living from betting in sports markets. My preferred medium for this is horse racing, a sport I have been actively following for more than 30 years, with the last 15 or so being financially profitable.  So profitable that I decided some years ago to make it a full-time vocation.  After all, that clever chap Confucius once said:

“Choose a job you love and you will never work another day in your life” 

So that’s what I did, and although Confucius may have a point, I still work 6 days a week.  Whether it’s racing in the UK, Ireland or even the international meetings in “established” horse-racing countries such as Australia, America, France & Dubai, I’ll be studying it all from a statistical/form angle solely for betting purposes.  But rest assured if I find nothing worth risking my “hard-earned” on, I won’t be getting involved financially in anything.  There are 363 horse racing days in the UK every year so if there’s nothing that interests me on a Monday, then I’ll wait and see what Tuesday delivers.  Oh, and I don’t do any betting or advising on Sundays!  It’s not for religious reasons, like most of us I just like a Sunday off!

The purpose of this website is 2-fold. Firstly I’ll be updating on a regular basis a journal in the life of someone who makes their living from betting.  As you see from the tag line above I’ve called it “Shedding some light on the life of a full-time punter. “I used that tagline because quite simply I love what I do and feel privileged to be able to do it, and with that in mind I’d just like to share this with you.  Yes, there will be bad, (losing), days to share… …there always are in every line of work, whatever you do to earn your keep.  However as far as profits from betting are concerned, I focus on the long game of monthly, quarterly & annual results and my aim via this website is to offer a “warts ‘n all” account of what I do, why I do it and what profits I’ve made from doing it?

I’ll also be offering information on ALL of the bets I make and the stakes I use BEFORE making the bets. (These will be level stakes of 1 point per bet, from a recommended “Betting Bank” of a minimum of 200 points).  These are generally known in the betting game as tips, but let’s get 1 thing straight from the start;  Whatever information about horse racing I post on here is simply MY OPINION and as such you follow this information through your own personal choice.  The ONLY GUARANTEES I will give you is that I guarantee WE are going to have losing days.  How regularly are these going to occur? As infrequently as possible I hope! (Keep in mind I make my only living from betting, so losing days aren’t “days off sick” to me!) The 2nd guarantee I’ll give you is that when we do have a losing day the MAXIMUM we will each lose is 8 points of our betting banks. (There will be NO 20 point “NAPS” coming from me!)

In addition to betting on the geegee’s, I’m not averse to plundering other sports markets when and if the opportunity arises, so coupled with the horse racing content from myself there will be information/tips from other “sources” which I think are worth adding into your betting portfolio.  These will come from sources which I believe to hold a high level of knowledge & understanding within that particular sport, but again may I state that these are purely for INFORMATION PURPOSES and should under no circumstances be misunderstood as any form of guaranteed wins.  If you have any doubt whatsoever regarding your use of the information and/or advice contained within this website, please take time to read the DISCLAIMER.

ALL tips, whether from me or any other trusted 3rd-party source, are 100% FREE and will remain like that.  However, please remember these are purely opinions on certain events, don’t confuse these with being “sure things” or “guaranteed winners!”  If you are following them and winning then that’s great, enjoy.  If you’re following them and you’re not winning, then I’d suggest that’s because my tips aren’t great… …and if that’s the case and you’ve any sense at all, you won’t be following them for very long!!

So, if this is something you’re interested in that’s great, glad to have you along for the ride.  Save this site to your desktop, your tablet, your smart phone or write it down on a piece of paper, stick it in the top drawer of your desk and come back to visit each day if you can… …I’ll try to make it worth your while.

If not?  Then thanks for taking the time to read this introduction and I wish you all the best with whatever you choose to do today, tomorrow and every day thereafter.



Ps.  Please feel free to leave a comment in the sections provided, though I have 1 request if you do?  If you can’t say something constructive or pleasant, then please don’t waste your time saying anything at all… …it will only be deleted before it gets the chance to go live!

Thank you & here’s to profitable punting together

6 thoughts on “Welcome to the FarSideRail”

  1. I like to have a daily flutter on various sports, more knowledgeable areas are golf & football but…..you have made me more curious about about our four legged friends. Keep up the good work & let’s have some winners this week.

  2. My mate sent me a retweet yesterday about this website so I thought I’d come and have a look. I’ve got to say I love your honesty about your bets and their results. There are so many liars & thieves out there it’s cool that you seem to be a straight up guy

  3. Claire Simmons said:

    Had no idea about horse racing but this site has given me an interest in something I had never thought about before. Great to have someone who has “walked the walk” sharing their knowledge with us novices. Thanks for all of your hard work.

  4. Love the website, love the simplicity of it and most of all the honesty. It’s nice to eventually find someone who’s willing to share the downs with the ups.

  5. Nice going today my son,
    I love watching the racing every thing about it, your site is great I put the bet on in the morning and love to check the results late at night.
    Thank you for passing on your hard work with us.

  6. Thanks for your honest work and words, I love horses and racing, but in my country the horse is only to bullfight so I stud all about racing in UK and make my bets in betfair,Continue and Good luck.(I dont have races but I have the sunshine,we cant have everithing).

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